ATMA Connect – Indonesia, Puerto Rico & Ukraine

Atma Connect is a social enterprise that believes in building on the power of people to create stronger and more resilient communities. Their solution, called AtmaGo, envisions a world where neighbors help neighbors prepare for disasters, improve access to basic needs, and overcome chronic challenges. Reaching over 10 million people in more than 300 locations across the globe.

Short description social enterprise

AtmaGo offers a free website and Android app that you can use to report problems, share solutions, find jobs, and post news about your community. AtmaGo is built on the idea that when neighbors help neighbors we can make our community better from the ground up.

Short description solution/tool

AtmaGo makes it easy to share & gather information, like: Local news and conditions, based on locations and topic of interest; Critical information, problems on infrastructure, or impact from disasters; Jobs in communities for local economic empowerment and entrepreneurship; Events in communities such as neighborhood cleanups or risk reduction events to build local social cohesion.

AtmaGo also can provide emergency Alerts on Disasters from local agencies and community members, like floods, earthquakes and broken roads (infrastructures) and public facilities. I helps people find the information that is helpful for them. It helps and enables neighbors to seek and offer mutual aid.

Available tools which could be useful for partners to communities, or change agents based in communities:

  • To activate people in communities, Atma Connect offers many trainings, workshops and community events, covering:
    • Changemaking – to support people to create real change on the ground. the workshops inspire to start your own changemaking journey.
    • Digital Literacy and Citizen Journalism
    • Prevention of Misinformation
    • Civic engagement – in which community Leaders share their strategies to monitor government budgets, advocate for changes, and involve neighbors in their projects.

Where to find more

Who’s best to contact

  •  Meena Palaniappan – Founder & CEO

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