Credits for Communities is a global movement connecting change agents and partners who want to contribute to our mission: incubating agency of impoverished communities across the globe to grow their own wellbeing, through community-based social ventures that connect income-generation or financial services with access to (or provisioning of) basic needs, like water, health, renewable utilities, housing, food, and so on.
We need to reimagine our economy, putting the agency back into the hands of the communities, empowering them to rebuild their own community economy as to grow the wellbeing of their community. Solutions (sanitation, housing, water, energy), as well as income and financial services (means to transact, savings, credits, insurances, mortgages and pensions) should be linked, adapted and supportive to the needs of the communities. We aim to empowering and include the impoverished communities around the world. Mind you, 73% of the worlds population is "underbanked", 2 billion people are excluded from our global economy, this is fundamentally wrong and needs to change. We belief that the power to change lies in the community.
We are a Collective of community based change agents, social entrepreneurs and social innovators rebuilding community economies. We share a common goal of creating innovative, community-led approaches that provide pathways to grow into sustainable, self-reliant, flourishing communities. We’ll be doing so by being an academy for community-based change agents.
We are committed to drive the conversation, and more importantly: drive action about inclusion of communities at the base of the pyramid. We’re here to give a platform to their voices, their solutions, so that others can be inspired, take the lessons learnt and solutions forward in their own communities
Co-founder & Chair / Kula Loans Intl.
Erlijn is also author of "Reimagining Financial Inclusion"
Co-Founder / Drishtee
Nitin is a strategic thinker and leading the journey of Drishtee from the front
20+ years of progressive experience driving investment and partnerships for innovative solutions for climate and sustainable economic development