Like to become a Collective member?
Credits for Communities has been active in many communities in many countries across five continents, and you too can start to contribute in your own community. We provide access to resources, solutions, and support tools, for you to take action in your community, or add it to the services you provide to your communities. Credits for Communities Collective partners (Community Organisations as well as community-based change agents) around the world have joined this global movement. Each partner assesses their strengths and needs and decides themselves which solutions they like to put into action in their communities, and which parts of their work they want to share back to the global movement. The one condition is: you give and you take.
Also, without being a Collective partner, we invite you to share the wonderful work you do in your community. If you like to share your solution, approach, inspiring case to the larger community please let us know too!
When you’re out in the community and run into challenges, ask your peers how they solved it. When you are attending an event, you can use this group to meet or pre-network. Share your resources, like manuals, or what has inspired you, with your peers. Together we feel stronger. It’s super simple:
Step 1: get access to our community in WhatsApp, just click here:
Step 2: Join specific groups if you like the topic.
Feel free to suggest new groups for a topic of your interest.
Of course, we are an international bunch of people, all coming with our own languages, cultures and customs. Let’s first and foremost respect each other. Please check our WhatsApp community guidelines. We made them to assure this community is comfortable and safe for everybody. When you join we expect you to follow these five guidelines: